Perhaps my most valuable teacher for learning out of body
travel has been developing my own spiritual practice.
And a practice is really not something that can be passed
down verbatim, as it must be a match to an individual soul and his/her needs. There
are many modalities that could be part of a spiritual practice, like
consciousness work through dream work, contemplation, journaling,
introspection, vision questing, etc. The importance of the practice is to
gently force consciousness.
But I believe it’s very important to spend time 'in the
past' healing old injuries. Many practices tell you to stay in the present, but
you get to live in the present, by going into the past and healing the
fragments that were lost when injured there. Gently returning on occasion to
face issues that still trouble you release energy as the light from your
current knowledge purifies the experience. Any knots tied in the energy of
those experiences are unraveled as you bring new life force into the present.
With more life force flowing, more conscious memory in the
dream state returns. Dreams become more lucid, and we can be blessed with out
of body travel experiences beyond our current imagination.